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Grandma Hatch's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rating: (0)
The Best Cookies in the World!

Rosemary Ranch Chicken Kabobs
Rating: 5 (1)
Great BBQ meal... Kids love this as well. Almost always it leaves us wanting ...

Buttermilk Pancakes
Rating: (0)



Sep 8, 2013 - Humor Kicks Off Emergency Preparedness Month
We should all be serious about our emergency plan. We should all be serious about our food storage. That does not mean there isn’t a time to laugh.

Sep 1, 2013 - Volunteer Opportunities
Many opportunities available for emergency preparedness

Aug 28, 2013 - Zucchini Season
When you pick those first tender zucchinis from the vine, the wonderful flavor is hard to beat.

Feb 6, 2013 - Ain't Worth the Beans
To be honest, you won’t believe what I’m about to tell you...

Jan 30, 2013 - Kitchen Cupboard Wisdom
When thinking about food storage, the first question is often, "Where do I start?"

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Kitchen Cupboard Wisdom
01/30/2013 - by Aundrea Scorup

With it being the beginning of a new year, many of us are thinking about our food storage: our goals, our food items, our supplies, our storage space, our personal and family needs. The first question that usually comes to mind is “Where do I start?” The answer is simple: with your kitchen cupboard next to the stove.

Most people keep food ingredients in the cupboard next to the stove that they use on a regular basis—things like salt, oil, peanut butter and jam, or spices—things that they know they will use over and over again. Start by making a list of these frequently used items. These are things you should buy to begin or bulk up your food storage with—they are typically inexpensive, and you can be sure you will use them up over time because you use them on a regular basis, already.

Next, go through the cupboard again and remove any random items that you bought thinking your family would use but they didn’t (because they didn’t like them, or the items just didn’t end up fitting into your menu like you thought they would), as well as anything that has expired. Add to your list any expired items that you use, but that you didn’t get through before they went bad, and make a note to purchase them in a smaller size. Discard everything else.

Now, if you put everything you do use back into the cupboard by the stove, leaving the top shelf empty as you do so, you finish this little process with 3 positive outcomes! First, you have a list of items to begin or bulk up your food storage with on your very next trip to the store. Second, your cupboard is clean and organized. And third, you have a completely empty top shelf you can use to put food storage on, particularly if you are short on space.

If you do this little exercise with each cupboard and shelf in your kitchen, including the fridge (leave an empty shelf for perishables or leftovers), you will develop a customized list of favorite foods you can use to build a food storage that your family will both use and enjoy!

Food storage really is simple and easy. It only takes 15 minutes to create a list of items you can add to your weekly grocery list AND a place to put them once they are purchased. So, this year, stop wondering how and where and when! Open that cupboard door and add the following items to your grocery list….

P.S. Do this little exercise with the cupboards or shelves in each living area of your home, and you will build a food storage that includes each cleaning supply and hygiene item your family uses, as well. (The next place I start is the cupboard in the kids’ bathroom.)
